Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is an advanced 3D printing technology that creates solid objects by fusing powdered materials using a high-power laser.

The process involves spreading a thin layer of powder (such as nylon, metal, or ceramics) over a build platform. A laser then selectively sinters the powder according to a 3D digital model. This layer-by-layer approach allows for the creation of complex geometries without the need for support structures, as the un-sintered powder acts as a natural support. SLS is widely used for producing strong, functional parts and prototypes across various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and medical.

Our Materials

Nylon PA12

Polyamide 12

A versatile and durable nylon-based material, ideal for producing functional parts and prototypes with good mechanical properties


Thermoplastic Elastomer

A flexible material that combines the properties of rubber and plastic, used for parts requiring elasticity and durability


Polybutylene Terephthalate

Known for its strength and resistance to chemicals and heat, PBT is used for creating robust and long-lasting parts

Nylon PA11

Polyamide 11

A high-performance, bio-based nylon material derived from renewable resources, offering excellent mechanical properties, chemical resistance, and durability



A lightweight thermoplastic polymer known for its high chemical resistance, flexibility, and low density, used in applications requiring durability and resilience